Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Saving Money by Couponing

Kelli Heys, stay-at-home mom, mother of 3 and joint owner of a construction company with her husband, shared her insights about how to coupon to save money. Kelli reports saving about 60% on average through using coupons and aims to spend $300-$400 each month for groceries & household items (diapers, cleaners, soaps, sundries, etc.) She explained the difference between types of coupons, as well as store deals/savings programs, where to find coupons, and her process for using coupons each week. You'll want to click on the link to the right to hear her talk in full, especially when she outlines specific ways to use each store's reward program and offers a "golden nugget" about Target.

Kelli's Coupon Rules & Guidelines
* Always get a raincheck if the store is out of the product
* Stack coupons - use a manufacturer's coupon + a store coupon for the same item + sale on the item
* Stock up for 3 months for shampoos, soaps, etc., 1 month for canned foods
* Buy produce in season and freeze when you can
* Overage - when the coupon value exceeds the item amount; Wal-mart allows you to apply the amount to your other purchases
* Coupons usually cycle 3 months at a time

Where to Find Coupons
* Buy a Sunday paper on Saturday from the dollar store; if there are good deals on items you buy, buy 3-5 papers so you have extra coupons
* Tuesday circular - Red Plum, Smartsource Ads in the mail
* Online: Smartsource.com, redplum.com, coupons.com, Facebook (like their product/page)
* All You Magazine
* Store booklets/mailings
* Coupons with receipts or on the back of receipts
* Coupons on the products themselves
* Manufacturers - look on their website, contact the company directly to let them know you like their products

Online Blogs/Coupon Resources
* couponmom.com
* Kraftfirsttaste.com
* couponing101.com
* livingrichlyonabudget.com

* Collect coupons throughout week and buy newspapers on Saturday
* File by date in box/file bin/binder
* Meal plan based on coupons and sales (Saturday/Sunday) 
* Cut out coupons that will be used
* File into coupon clutch by store along with shopping list (specifying item, size, original price, coupons to be used, where to purchase it)
* Shop (Kelli amazingly shops at 6am Sunday morning) - no kids

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