Embrace Rest:
- Share the gift of rest with someone else. Give them a three minute shoulder rub.
- Take a 20 min nap!
- Take 10 min alone to list your joys.
- Find a mom with a baby in your meeting and offer to hold the door, throw something away, or even hold the baby for a minute .
- Find somewhere unique to rest and do nothing. Post a picture of your resting spot.
- Do you love to read, draw, chat with friends? Carve out some time to do that this weekend!
- In the middle of a busy day, drink a bottle of water and spend of few minutes letting your body soak it up.
- Breathe deeply! In through your nose, out through your mouth and focus on breathing for the next 30 seconds. Thank God for a moment of rest.
- Focus on one thing you are incredibly thankful for. Thank God for this one element in your life; don’t make a list – simply thank him for this single powerful blessing and rest in the graciousness.
- Grab some lotion and give a friend a hand massage!
- Reading a good book? Tell someone about it.
Big or small, find ways to take a minute for yourself. Whatever you find restful (which might not be "restful" at all--taking a walk or other kinds of exercise can absolutely satisfy your need for rest!), we encourage you to be intentional and seek that out today. Good luck!