Sunday, February 28, 2016

Courtney Grager::Seeing Goodness

At our last meeting, we were grateful to hear from UPC's own Courtney Grager. She gifted us with her perspective on noticing goodness. As we ruminate on that practice this season, may we absorb her words and remember to focus on the goodness all around us.

Click HERE for the recording of Courtney's talk. And for those of you joining us from work and can't listen, a summary is included below. Enjoy!

Courtney focused her talk on "pennies from heaven"--paying attention to the goodness all around us.
...We all live hundred mile an hour lives. What does it take to slow you down?
...Describe a time in your life when you noticed God's goodness around you.
...Where did you see/hear/smell/taste/notice God today?

She drew attention to the power of our words. The words we use shape how we feel, think, and shape our souls. And it begs the question...
What words are you using? What's shaping your soul? 
  • Exhaustion?
  • Laundry?
  • Scarcity?
All of that is a very real part of our lives. There are hard parts that write the narrative of our days. Life is really hard, but God is really good. It's okay to have our heads down in this stage of life. But we can still notice goodness with our heads down.
It's all about habit. So we have to learn a new habit!
But we need structure and practice.

What new habit would you like to practice with your family?
  • paint/draw/sketch God's goodness around you...and share it with someone.
  • choose the scent of a candle that reminds you of God's goodness
  • marble jar--fill it with gratitude marbles
  • everyone says one food on their plate that they're grateful for
  • sing at the table--Johnny Appleseed, Doxology
It's not joy that makes us grateful, it's gratitude that makes us joyful.

You can find goodness even in the smallest things. So find a practice that works for you to help you spot it. And share it with those around you.

Reading List
Brene Brown: The Gifts of Imperfection: Rising Strong
Hugh Halter: Flesh
Rhoda Janzen: Mennonite, In a Little Black Dress; Does This Church Make Me Look Fat
Anne LaMott: Help, Thanks, Wow; Grace (Eventually); Stitches; Traveling Mercies
Brennan Manning: Ruthless Trust; A Glimpse of Jesus; The Relentless Tenderness of Jesus
Shauna Niequist: Bittersweet; Bread and Wine; Cold Tangerines
Henri Nouwen: Life of the Beloved; The Return of the Prodigal
Lauren Winner: Mudhouse Sabbath; Wearing God

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