Sunday, March 5, 2017

Ann Hinman::Keeping Our Spiritual Health Alive

The wonderful and wise Ann Hinman came to see us at our last meeting and relate to every phase of motherhood we might be in. From wearing bodily fluids while caring for a newborn, to aborting the shopping mission due to toddler meltdowns, to running out of options with a first-grader, Ann's been there.  Take advantage of her experience and take heart in the fact that we're never alone!

Click HERE for the recording of Ann's talk.

Ann knows a thing or two about finding Jesus in this season. She relates to the feelings of failure, loneliness, and like the kids are all bound to end up with problems due to our poor mothering. Even though we're spending most of our days surrounded by little people, we're lonely.

It begs the question: "What do I do with this time that I have?"
It goes by so quickly. How do you feed your soul and the soul of your family?

"Jesus came so that we may have life."
John 10:10

These moments are precious, they count, and they count to Jesus. 

"You can't trust somebody that you don't know." You wouldn't hand your kids over to the mailman to go run an errand. Trust comes with knowledge. Jesus is asking us to trust him, but we have to get to know him. Just like any relationship, where we need to spend time together to get to know each other and go deeper, we need to do that with Jesus. Even if we think he doesn't want to know the "down and dirty," he does. 

How do we do that? Even though quiet time no longer means candles, music, and journals. In the shower, right when you open your eyes before the baby awakes, when you're driving, or any time to yourself--use it. Those are quiet times. Ask Him to walk with you in that day, to be your hands and feet, to live through you. Those small moments of connection help build your relationship.

As we get to know Him, we find that Jesus has all the resources we need, in every situation. Patience with kids and husband, kindness, forgiveness, He has what we need so we don't need to look to ourselves for that. [THINK ABOUT THAT.]

Also, Christianity is like a marriage, you cannot do it alone. You need community. We need each other. You have to find your people.

Ultimately, it's a powerful thing to embrace the call: The call that we have RIGHT NOW, as mothers in our own families. Not "oh, this other thing is more important." All The Things you'd like to do...there may be a time for that, but right now this is a special time to do a ministry with your family. How freeing! Be responsible for this household, pay attention to it, invest in it. Don't worry about what other contributions are, just this contribution. Because it's a pretty big one. Raising good people is a huge responsibility.

There's an urgency to this call. It's short-lived and formative. This role is special. Pay attention. Don't squander where you are and what you've been given.

Things to focus on:
  1. Recognition: "I see you, I hear you, and I'm here." There's grace and light when we step into Jesus' love. See them. See their emotions. Call out what's going on. It's true of your kids and husband. Power in recognition.
  2. Boundaries: help them grow and mature and become the people He's designed them to be. Being consistent, which is so hard, is vital.
  3. Help your kids have an emotional language.
  4. Be curious with them. Try to understand what/how they're thinking.
That's what God does for us. It's what we can do to help our kids become who He designed them to be. We want them to know that God loves them and He has a wonderful plan for their lives.

Engage the kids:
  1. What's your "thing?" Cooking, music, reading...figure it out and dive into it with your kids. You don't have to do it all. Just do what you love to do, with your kids. It's who you are, be yourself, and incorporate what you enjoy with your family. Everyone will be better for it.
  2. Do your kids know your story? Share your testimony, where you came from. And tell them their story. Tell your family stories. So important.
  3. Read the Bible to your kids. It's good! It's a cliffhanger! Draw Bible verses, have a "thank you" box. So many ways to encourage and love your kids.
Another tip? Do what you feel called to, and say NO to everything else. Not "do what you feel called to and SQUEEZE IN everything else." A good thing doesn't constitute a call. Be precious with your time. When you say "yes" to something, it means you are saying "no" to something else, which is usually husband and kids.

Also, if you haven't laughed in awhile, do something to make you laugh. It's so important.

Psalm 139
Further Discussion
  • What do you do for rest?
  • What are some ways you stay connected to God during the day?
  • What makes you laugh?
  • Where do you find joy in your daily routines?
  • What do you do to refill your emotional tank?
GT & The Halo Express; (music/story CDs that get your kids singing Scripture)
Jesus Calling by Sarah Young
Get to know Jesus with the Gospel of John

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