Sunday, March 31, 2019

Jane Schmidt::Technology and Our Kids

Jane came to us, thank goodness, as we try to navigate this world of technology. As she reminded the group, technology is here to stay. It's in our lives and it's not going anywhere. So how do we make it a positive thing?

It's not easy. We all know that. We all want to make healthy boundaries and we all want to connect with our kids. If we start there, then decisions around technology become easier. But first, we need to understand it so we can parent it. After all, we weren't taught how to parent it, so we have to figure it out. #awesome

Click HERE for the recording of Jane's talk.

What are some challenges we're facing with technology right now? 
  • School on social media
  • Toddler tantrums
  • Friend's and grandparent's rules (or lack thereof)
  • Kids see it as the Holy Grail/candy
  • Understanding what's educational/entertaining v. addictive
  • Balancing relevance with their peers
  • Exposure outside the home
  • Age gaps (older sibling w/ technology)
  • Boundaries with ourselves with our technology
  • On difference pages than our partner
First and foremost, Jane emphasized two things: 
  1. No guilt, no shame. It's never too late to start setting boundaries or evaluating habits.
  2. Use your instinct. We are experts on our own kids and know what's realistic and/or effective. Go from there.  
Turns out there is already a ton of research out of UW about the brain that help us know how technology impacts it. See handout below.   
Three Super-Important Things To Do
  1. Talk, engage, connect, relate
  2. Physical activity--play! Let them be curious, creative, and BORED.
  3. Read to your child...from a book, not a screen. Sensory/touch with real books is important.
Good Point:: Tidbits
  • Shows (even the best shows) tell them what to think. 3-dimensional toys create opportunities to figure things out. 
  • Some language to talk about technology...It's like food. There are different foods that nourish different things. And there are treats/snacks. We nourish our bodies with different experiences and the world around us and technology is something to snack on. 
  • Yes, we have to factor school screens into our parenting.
  • As they get older, we need to keep having new conversations about the boundaries. It's like the sex talk (!)...we need to educate them when we make decisions on limits...they can know the what" and the "why." Knowledge is power.
  • It's up to us. We are it. 
  • No one is alone in this...let's talk to each other/our community to see what to do. Let's use MOPS as a sounding board for this stuff! 
  • One small change can make a big difference and you'll see the results quick. Try it! 
  • Remember, we're already doing these things! Give yourself some credit, take an inventory, and go from there.
(try it! so helpful!)

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Marisa Gronholz:: Enneagram

You guys, if you missed Marisa's talk at our last MOPS meeting, you'll just have to tune in by clicking below because it was waaaay too much to recap here. My brain would die. I'm pretty sure there was smoke pluming from my pen and paper as I attempting to take notes. Besides, Marisa admittedly only scratched the surface for us, so really we all just need to get the book and do the work. Because it is SO INTERESTING.

Click HERE for the recording of Marisa's talk.

To view Marisa's super helpful slides (including amazing resources at the end), click here

Good luck!